Creating daily positive intentions is a powerful tool and we carry
them with us at all times. Drawing this energy in is as simple as accepting the positive power of visualization.
It takes the intent to make it happen from a pure heart for the good and better. Intentions help us create and
visualize a better day, a phenomenal tomorrow and universe full of abundance. It is as simple as tapping into
your own mind, and sending out and receiving positive "vibes"; energy. The mind
and energy of the universe is in constant contact. It flows far beyond most
people’s current imagination. Intention is the idea we choose to evolve with when shifting our
beliefs to the possibilities of all positive moments and outcomes in our daily
lives. This shift is more powerful than imagined and must be practiced
daily to see growth. You cannot stop the things in the universe that
happen all around us. By shifting our thoughts to positive and good we allow the possibilities of growth and learning from each and every
event. We choose to learn, find happiness, and be grateful. Allow your mind to set a positive selfless pure intent and see the intent in the energy of the
universe. Allow the positive intent to flow through your body, not just
the mind. Feel and see it bathing us and giving us the love, beauty, and abundance
that is infinitely available. Now is the time to think differently and
attract the positive power that surrounds us. Energy is a
positive entity and it can be utilized to bring into your life those
things and people which also tap into this positive energy of the life
force all around us. We are all one in this universe, and this is the
natural energy that is forever flowing. By visualizing and
creating the intent, the law of attraction comes full force to us and
allows us to see the beauty of all things and people. Positively visualize and it will
materialize.You can do and be whatever you dream. Focus on the positives “I can”
and “I will”. For the mind
visualizes and it will materialize. Visualize beauty, love, and
kindness. Beam love and healing power to a person, send out kindness especially when someone near you is hurting. The daily power of positive intention is part of your energy flow each and every day. Take a moment each and every day
upon awakening and focusing on the positive powers all around. Turn off
the negative energy of gossip, negative news or negative people and
things in this universe. By placing yourself in the negative energy
force, this is what you attract. Give generously and positively to
others simply through the uplifting thoughts and wishes; and visualize the same in your mind. Let go of the negative and soon you
will see the positive actions that the universe has to offer each and
every day. No matter what happens in your life remember it is not the daily
events, but how you respond to each and every one of them, that create
the positive or negative in your life. Allow all things to be part of
the nature of the universe, as they are, learn from everything that is presented and see the positive growth
come about. With this you will see and feel the freedom of the positive
intent and power of the mind. Remember to think it, ink it down, then
share it around. This is the power of positive intent, and by speaking
about the positive life all around it grows and grows. Share the belief
and manifestations of a fantastic life we all have by simply being.
Dreams are the creative visualization of the mind and this is what
brings beauty to our lives.
Exercise: Close your eyes and positively visualize the powerful light and
life ~ ENERGY~ that is within each and every one of us. It is shared between and
within each of us at all times and everywhere in this universe. See the
power in love and surround yourself in it, simultaneously accept it and send it out. See the
beauty in all beings, and this is what you will receive. Accept that life is positive and powerful when you act with pure kindness, compassion, and gratitude. Once you
accept the power of energy of positive intentions, you
will see the life and love that is radiated from all. Now take this moment and close your eyes. Take a breath and focus on
the movement of energy within. Feel the air molecules flow and energize
the life and light that surrounds you and is in you. The air and light energy of life is the sustenance
of all that grows. See the positive power of intent and tap into this
consciously. Let go any negative. Feel it only to
acknowledge that it has been there and then let it go! Visualize an OPTIMAL WELLNESS LIFESTYLE full of beauty, love, kindness, compassion, happiness and success. Start with even small energy time spans of thought and visualization. They will build and occur as naturally as breathing is. The power of your
mind, feel it and see it each and every day and moment.
We have more to come each and every day; abundance grows with increased positive living through positive and pure intent. Focus and tap into your positive
intent today. The secret is the positive power of thoughts and your
mind, body and smile. Each of us is one with the universal infinite
energy of life, down to the vibrational energy at the cellular level, the infinite comes to us in many beautiful ways. We are
the energy of the universe. Allow the infinite energy to flow and be the positive power of your
intent. Have a spectacular positive intention each and every moment.
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Leonard :0) ©2008-2013
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