First, let us define the basics:
Kundalini is life energy, often visualized as a serpent, residing in the base chakra. A Kundalini awakening, also referred to as Kundalini rising, is an intense, and sometimes overwhelming experience in which a person's Kundalini energy rises up through the spine, through the chakra system, bringing awareness, openness and energy into a person. This is accompanied by a myriad of physical, emotional, and spiritual experiences.
Reiki is a method of healing in which spiritual energy is channeled through a Reiki practitioner, healing the spirit and therefore the body, of the client.
The first thing you should know about Kundalini Reiki is that it does create a Kundalini awakening experience, but also, it helps to heal a person's spirit and calm the symptoms of an accidental or unacknowledged awakening. An accidental awakening can result in a number of painful experiences, and without guidance, can be a very troubling experience. Kundalini Reiki can bring peace and ease to a person while helping them to correctly align their energy, thus creating a powerful and positive experience.
Kundalini Reiki is less complex than traditional Reiki- there are no symbols or special hand positions. In Kundalini Reiki, the practitioner places their hands on the shoulders of their client, and allows energy to flow down through their crown chakra, and out of their hands, into the body of the recipient. This healing experience is like water flowing into the recipient- it will fill in any area that needs healing. The channeling process usually take about five minutes, although the experience for the recipient can last up to an hour and a half.
Source Ann Mort Newsletter
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Have a Wonderful day
Michelle Leonard
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