A recent case study published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine reviewed the care and outcome of a 6-year old girl receiving chiropractic care. The 6-year old girl was pushed into a playground slide, hitting her head and resulting in acute complaints of her "neck and brain hurting" and hand, foot, and occasional leg pain. In addition, she had a several-year history of unexplained fatigue, vomiting, and coughing spells. Upon examination, the treating chiropractic doctor found she was suffering from noticeable head tilt, significant loss of the cervical (neck) range of motion as well as tenderness, muscle spasm and edema along her cervical (neck) and thoracic (upper back) regions. After her 5th chiropractic treatment, her symptoms had dissipated and by her 9th treatment, she was able to return to normal activity. At 19 weeks, her neck and back continued to be asymptomatic and full and normal motion had returned to her spine.
Author: ChiroPlanet.com
Source: Journal of Chiropractic Medicine. September 2009.
Copyright: ProfessionalPlanets.com LLC 2009
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