Recent Instant Message Question:
Has anybody used a chiropractor on a bulging disk? Did it help? I am nervous about the experience.
Recently a new client also having two discs prolapsed with complaints of a bad back and sciatica began seeing a Chiropractor once a week and she has reported it has “helped me a lot”. Once you have a disc injury, your back can react by altering its posture to compensate for the imbalances and also go into muscle spasm. This is nature's way of keeping the spine straight and stabilizing the disc, but it also increases your pain and discomfort.
Chiropractic adjustments help keeps your spine in correct alignment. This in turn means that the disc is more likely to retract into its proper position and have less pressure on it thus be less prone to bulge or herniate. Adjustments are also very effective at easing the muscle spasm associated with disc injuries.
A Chiropractor may do x-rays on your spine. If you have had an MRI scan done, you should get a copy on disc or report from the hospital and give it to your Chiropractor to read. Make them aware that you are nervous and they will start off with gentle adjustments to allow you to get used to it. They can also do a more gentle technique of adjusting with an "Activator". This is something that they just put on your back and press. It looks like a pen, and just gives a gentle shock like feeling. It helps the body to heal. I can tell you that many people with disc injuries go for chiropractic treatment. There are risks associated with any form of manipulation but these risks are extremely unlikely.
Be extremely careful about any surgery, many surgeries have been reported as unsuccessful for the type of complaints already discussed and scar tissue from a procedure can actually cause more hindrance then help long term. Be realistic though. You have a back injury. This will always be an area of weakness for you and no one, no chiropractor, medical doctor, osteopath or any other therapist will "cure" you straight away. You must take care of your spine and do as much with it as you can, but always listen to pain.
With regards to the disclaimer you asked about - it won’t be nearly as big or frightening as one that an orthopedic surgeon will hand over before an operation! Everyone has these now; it’s the day and age where people get sued left right and center. So every alternative medical practitioner will play it safe. I would say go for it with the Chiropractor, good luck, and try not to worry - that won’t help you heal either!
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