Discover Myofascial Release Therapy as a New Alternative Treatment!

Myofascial Release Therapy alleviates the chronic pain & symptoms associated with( to name just a very few conditions): Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, Back Pain, Neck Pain & Knee Pain. (The list goes on.....)
It is considered a gentle therapy involving manipulation of fascia to relieve the restrictions & imbalances in your body. Impressive results are experienced with Myofascial Release Therapy & these results can be achieved in just a short period of time! Join the growing number of people suffering from similar ailments as you have! See what the client below had to say about Myofascial Release. This therapy presents new hope in treating your condition.
Myofascial Release Therapy uses a manipulation of the entire body to promote healing, decrease pain and recurrences of acute episodes caused by chronic stresses. This therapy also improves posture and increases circulation, mobility, flexibility and mind/body awareness. Myofascial Release Therapy is a relatively new, popular treatment and is gaining notice among mainstream doctors. Studies have found that people utilizing the treatment require less painkillers, muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory drugs which could have dangerous side effects and cost a great deal of money. If you are considering surgery, we urge you to call us before you make that serious decision! You may not need to have surgery!
Sources of pain often go undiagnosed because standard tests such as x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans, MRIs and so forth, are unable to show fascial restrictions. By detecting the fascial restrictions during Myofascial Release Therapy, through touch, observation and outward symptoms, a three-dimensional approach of sustained pressure and movement within the fascial system can be performed to release restrictions and restore equilibrium.
This therapy is an art form and therapists performing Myofascial Release actually can feel the body respond to treatment and ease the restrictions that they feel. Oftentimes the body will indicate another point to start to treat that is an underlying cause of restriction and thus, pain. Pain is actually a symptom. You do not want to only treat a symptom, as so many times you may have experienced in the past by taking medicines, and to treat the cause of that pain. The cause of the pain many times is a restriction and Myofascial Release Therapy will remove those restrictions so that the body no longer signals for help by emitting pain messages!
Client Testimonial:
It doesn't matter what problem I am having (and believe me, there are a bunch). My practitoner has always been able to help....their expertise has allowed me to go on with my life without pain.... As I age, different parts of me protest at different times....I actually crawled onto the table. They worked their magic and I was able to swing myself off the table and walk upright. What a joy that was. They are helping me to be as active in my grandchildren's lives as I was active in their parents' lives....– Lynn A., 46 yrs. old, Neck Pain & Shoulder Numbness
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