Chiropractic Care May Ease ADHD, Ear Problems
By Dr. wrieden
An article in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research points to a case study involving a 4-year old boy diagnosed by his pediatrician with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). He was dropped by his day care center because of the disruptive effects of his ADHD. The child had a history of ear infections, coughing, poor appetite, and abnormal sleep patterns, and had been also diagnosed with asthma at age 2 and put on a nebulizer.
The child's mother brought him to a chiropractor for evaluation. The examining chiropractor, using a non-intrusive instrument known as an Insight Subluxation Station, conducted thermal and sEMG scans of the child's spine and found the existence of a subluxation in the child's cervical area.
"A subluxation is a misalignment of the spine that disturbs normal nervous system function," said Dr. Wrieden, a local chiropractor whose patients include a great many children. "Many chiropractors, including myself, have this technology that allows them to conduct thermal and Surface Electromyography (sEMG) tests to assist in locating where such conditions exist."
The patient underwent chiropractic care, including spinal adjustments, with frequency of care initially set at three times per week for two and a half months.
The child was a difficult subject because of his hyperactivity, but when promised rewards by the parents for his cooperation; he became more amenable to the care program.
Twelve days into the treatment program, the mother reported the child's eating habits had improved. The child was reevaluated at the 13th visit, at which point the mother said her son's appetite was back to normal. She also said his sleep patterns had improved and he was much less hyperactive. He was able to stop all medication and his school work also showed a better ability to focus and perform assigned tasks.
Anyone wishing more information may contact Alternative Health Solutions of NJ, http://www.alternativehealthsolutionsnj.com (telephone 732-664-9348).
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