Celebrate every day! Is your cup half empty of half full? Are you grateful you have the cup? Do you see that rosebush having more thorns than beautiful blooming flowers? How does that delicious food taste? Or are you just preoccupied about the carbs and calories instead of appreciating the flavors? Mindset. Outlook. It’s ours to control. Here are some reasons to be grateful for today, right now, ...this moment. Live in this moment and think positive.
* There are amazing people in your world. We just have to see and appreciate what is amazing about them. Allow the people in your life to be who they are and really see the greatness in the people we know and love. Appreciate and be grateful for them just a little more. That is a motivation to honor and praise this moment.
* You are part of the most amazing moment in time. This moment is incredible because you are here in it. Your life is happening now. You have the control to build your life in every moment. You are the creator and the inventor of it. Your life is built moment by moment – and you define each moment. That is a reason to celebrate.
*Your challenges show you how capable you are. During those challenging times in life we invest in ourselves more and notice more about our own capabilities and strengths. Challenges help us become a better person and give us time to reflect on what we are grateful for.
* Our world has more right in it than wrong with it. We just seem to hear more about the things that are wrong with our world. Just listening to the news and you can become depressed. But what happens when we look for the positive, the natural beauty of a tree or a flower, or my favorite the perfection of the beach accompanied by the sound the waves make under a warm sun. Go look at someone you love. Read a story filled with kindness and hope. There is positive perfection in our lives and all around us. See the good. That is a motivation to honor and praise this moment.
* You have the ability to make the conscious positive choose on how you live and think about your life. Never undervalue the significance and power of choice. Choice is a gift, the ability to decide who you are, where you will devote your energy to today, what you make of this day and how you will bring your best to the world to make it a better place. Choice is a reason to celebrate your day.
* What was yesterday does not have to affect what will be today or what can be tomorrow. Our pasts are done and over. There is no true connect from our past to our today or tomorrow unless we permit it. Be grateful that each day you get the new opportunity upon sunrise and awakening to create something new. You get the fresh opportunity filled with possibilities to make the most of today.
* You are very much loved. There are people in your world who think you are amazingly wonderful – and who love you very much. Recognize who these individuals are. Appreciate their support, encouragement, and loyalty. Then return it with gratitude and kindness.
Celebration is not just for special days marked on the calendar. Every moment of every day is worthy of the motivation to honor and praise. To celebrate the wonderfulness of what is right, positive, and good. Every moment in life is valuable; whether tranquil or challenging. Gather every great moment and you build a happy life. Gather your positive moments and you have the reasons to celebrate a great life. Live PositiveToday!
ॐ Michelle Leonard

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LIVE POSITIVE TODAY!! because it is “Soul good for you”
Michelle Leonard :0) ©2008-2014
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