In addition, acupuncture has also been deemed effective as a means of stress reduction, and at addressing related problems that are often triggers for IBS symptoms, such as: Anxiety, Insomnia, Nervousness, Menstrual cramps, and Premenstrual syndrome.
To help IBS patients, I have also heard recommended a combination of treatments, that included changes in diet, stress reduction from routine massage therapy sessions, and supplements such as evening primrose oil, peppermint, and probiotics. I have heard the oil supplements help calm down the gut, and probiotics restore the good balance of bacteria in the digestive system.
Evening primrose oil comes from the seed of a small yellow wildflower, and borage oil comes from the seed of a common weed. Both supplements are similar in nature. Some proponents say evening primrose oil can help improve IBS symptoms, especially in women who experience a worsening of pain, discomfort, and bloating during their menstrual period.
Peppermint oil is widely used for irritable bowel syndrome. It is thought to reduce the abdominal pain and bloating of irritable bowel syndrome, possibly by blocking the movement of calcium into muscle cells in the intestines and easing excessive muscle contraction there. Peppermint is considered a carminative herb, which means that it is used to eliminate excess gas in the intestines. Eight out of twelve studies on peppermint for irritable bowel syndrome have found that it is more effective than a placebo. Although peppermint oil is available in many forms, it should only be used in enteric-coated capsules otherwise the oil can relax the lower esophageal sphincter and cause heartburn.
Probiotics are live microbial organisms that are naturally present in the digestive tract and vagina. Sometimes referred to as "friendly" bacteria, probiotics are thought to promote health include suppressing the growth of potentially harmful bacteria, improving immune function, enhancing the protective barrier of the digestive tract, and helping to produce vitamin K. There are over 400 species of microorganisms in the human digestive tract and the balance between beneficial bacteria and potentially harmful bacteria is important. One theory is that people with irritable bowel syndrome may have an imbalance in their normal intestinal bacteria, with an overgrowth of gas-producing bacteria. Studies have found that probiotics may be helpful for people with irritable bowel syndrome. For example, a fairly large study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology examined the use of three different doses of Bifidobacterium infantis or a placebo in 362 women with irritable bowel syndrome. After four weeks, the B. infantis dose of 1 x 10(8) c.f.u. was found to be more effective than a placebo at reducing abdominal pain, bloating, bowel dysfunction, incomplete evacuation, straining, and gas.There are many different probiotic strains, and some may be more effective for irritable bowel syndrome. Another study compared lactobacillus salivarius, bifidobacterium infantis, or a placebo in 77 people with irritable bowel syndrome. Only people who took B. infantis had a greater reduction in abdominal pain, bloating, and bowel movement difficulty.
Trying a lactose-free diet may be beneficial. In a small study of IBS sufferers, 51 percent reported relief of IBS symptoms after completely eliminating dairy products from their diet.
Testimonial: Fred from Monmouth County "I felt totally different after the session of acupuncture and I had no discomfort for about 18 hours. I am due to go for a second session of acupuncture soon. I am hoping that the positive effects will be reinforced. Certainly this has been the most promising treatment to date."
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Michelle Leonard
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