The outer layer of the bone is a storehouse of mineral deposits. The inner layer is called the marrow. The red marrow makes red blood cells, while the yellow marrow is used to store fat. Bones continually undergo changes in a process called “bone remodeling.” Osteoclast cells break down old bone and osteoblast cells trigger new bone cells to form. As soon as a bone breaks, the osteoblasts get to work. Fibroblast cells create protein fibers called collagen. As bones heal, they form a matrix of osteoblasts, which later harden, or ossify, becoming bone. It takes three to four months to recreate the solid, stable bone in most cases. But some bones have more blood supply so they heal faster, for instance, toe bones, whereas wrist bones can take longer.
To speed bone healing, you can incorporate the following changes into your life:
•Stop smoking. Smoking slows the blood flow to the bones, thereby slowing healing. Smokers take longer to heal broken bones. Many studies have shown that broken bones tend to take longer to heal if the injured person has been smoking. Cigarettes can also increase the risk of blood clotting, which may further reduce blood flow. Breakdown products of cigarette smoke include carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, nitrosamines and benzenes which can damage the cells that form the bone itself and can interrupt the healing process after a fracture or bone injury.
•Stop drinking. Alcohol slows the formation of the osteoblasts.
•Decrease or eliminate caffeine and carbonated drinks like coffee, tea, and colas which increase calcium excretion. Since your body needs all the calcium it can get to heal your bones, it is wise to minimize sources of calcium loss.
•To maximize the rate of healing it is helpful to avoid bone robbers such as sugar, salt, alcohol, caffeine, red meats etc.
One of the most important influences on fracture healing is nutrition. The healing time for broken bones is influenced by a number of variables that nutrition can impact including blood supply. For example, the ends of long bones are vascular so they heal faster than the center. Certain types of food and exercise foster increased blood supply and hence time it takes to heal. Mobilization, i.e. weight bearing exercises and isometric exercises stimulates healing. Important Nutrition:
Because the bones need protein to build, add proteins to your diet. Meat, fish, soy, nuts, beans, and dairy are all good sources. Dairy has the added advantage of containing calcium.
I do suggest a good protein drink daily.
Recommended dose (RDA) is 800-1200 milligrams a day for adults. There is no research to suggest that adding calcium speeds bone healing, but be certain to maintain normal intake levels because calcium is responsible for bone maintenance and repair.
Type of food Amount - Milligrams of Calcium
Non fat yogurt 1 cup 415
Sardines (Atlantic with bones) 3 oz 372
Collard Greens 1 cup 355
Pink Salmon (canned with bones) 6oz 334
Skim Milk 1 cup 302
Calcium Fortified Orange Juice 1 cup 302
Bok Choy 1 cup 250
Almonds 3 oz 198
Turnip Greens 1 cup 200
Soy Beans 1 cup 180
Broccoli 1 cup 180
Mustard Greens 1 cup 150
Black Molasses 1 tbsp. 140
Great Northern Beans 1 cup 140
Non fat Baked Beans 1 cup 130
Tofu 1 cup 130
Navy beans 1 cup 130
Corn Tortilla 1 tortilla 120
Kidney Beans 1 cup 115
Okra 1 cup 90
Acorn Squash 1 cup 90
Spinach (Cooked) 1 cup 74
Orange 1 med. 60
Raisins 1/4 22
Peanut butter 2 tbsp. 18
The key to better usage of your calcium intake is not just increasing the calcium but also increasing your ability to absorb the calcium.
Lysine is an amino acid that helps in the absorption of calcium. Lysine a protein building block, can increase the amount of calcium absorbed into the matrix according to Peter Furst, M.D.,PhD. in the Jan./Feb. 1993, Nutrition (9: 70-2). It is an essential amino acid necessary for the regeneration of tissues, and the building and healing of broken bones. Research studies show that lysine can increase the amount of calcium absorbed into the bone matrix. The amount in one particular study was 800 mg. As lysine promotes the formation of muscle protein, it may be important in healing after operations and injuries. There are a number of foods that can add lysine to your diet, such as low fat milk, fish, yeast, and soy products.
•Vitamin C is important link in the formation of collagen. Adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet can fill this need. Vitamin C is essential nutritionally to make the collagen that helps the body form healthy bones. It also promotes wound healing. You also can get numerous additional benefits from Vitamin C. For example, researchers at New Mexico Medical School found that adults with high blood levels of vitamin C scored higher on mental tasks than those with low levels of vitamin C.
•Vitamin D aids in calcium absorption. The latest suggestions for vitamin D consumption have raised the minimum required dose from 2,000 to 4,000 daily. Be sure to take in that much while healing bones.
•Vitamin K, found in leafy greens, also aids bone repair. Vitamin K, also called Menadione, is a very important fat-soluble vitamin that plays a key role in the regulation of normal blood clotting functions. We get vitamin K from several sources in our diet including dark leafy vegetables. Vitamin K also assists in converting glucose into glycogen for storage in the liver. Numerous studies indicate that it plays a role in forming bone formation and preventing osteoporosis. If you want to help bones heal faster, consider increasing your intake of Vitamin K rich foods.
Boron is important in bone healing because studies how show it reduces urinary excretion of calcium and magnesium and significantly increases blood levels of both estrogen and testosterone. The are many food high in boron. Apples are the highest.
Eat half pineapple every day until it's completely healed. It contains Bromelain, an enzyme that helps to reduce swelling and inflammation. Do not eat canned or processed pineapples. If you don't like fresh pineapple, take the supplement Bromelain. It has the same effect as pineapple.
As soon as the trauma occurs, begin daily treatment with Arnica 30c. When the swelling is reduced, continue taking Symphytum 30c daily until the bone is healed. Use other remedies as indicated by their modalities and symptoms.
In any homeopathic first aid, Arnica is the first drug of choice. Its remarkable ability to reduce bruising and swelling from trauma has been well documented. Arnica can be used immediately after the break, to reduce swelling and vascular congestion.
The homeopathic remedy Symphytum, or Comfrey, has been known for centuries as Knitbone. It has a remarkable ability to speed the healing of bones. Symph is a great remedy when the bone refuses to knit together and also if the pain remains long after the fracture is healed. Herbalists have long used comfrey, or Knitbone. The roots and leaves contain Allantoin, used in wound healing. Culpepper suggested a salve made from powdered root in water applied externally. But the homeopaths have found Comfrey’s usefulness in broken bones when taken internally. Doses of Symph 30c taken daily have sped up bone healing by one-third.
To treat bruised bones and for bones that are slow to repair. Ruta is also beneficial to the connective tissues around the bones and the periosteum. This remedy is indicated if the pains are worse from the cold and damp.
Calcarea phoshoricum
A homeopathic remedy also used as a tissue salt, sold in 3x potency. The salt is essential in facilitating the union of broken bones. The homeopathic indication for this remedy is bones that are slow to heal and a cold sensation in the limbs. The pain is worse at night and in cold, damp weather. CALCAREA CARB, CALCAREA PHOS, RUTA and SYMPHYTUM are all useful for bones that fail to heal.
Eupatorium perfoliatum
Known as Boneset, Eup perf heals the bones and the pain. The pain experienced by a person needing this remedy is a deep soreness, as if beaten, that are worse by motion and in the morning.
Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms described above.
No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage as directed on packaging. Avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications That’s the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine .
In 1994, ultrasound bone growth stimulators were approved by the FDA. Treatments are available to speed certain types of broken bones with the use of electrical stimulation, ultrasound, and magnets. Magnets increase blood flow to the area, thereby speeding healing.
Deep tissue massage and techniques like cranio-sacral massage can increase blood flow and send healing energy. A study at Harvard University showed that hypnosis can be used to reduce bone healing time from eight weeks to six.
Aspirin And Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Can Retard Bone
When you break a bone or tear a muscle and are on pain medication, you may want to try to stop taking the pain medication as soon as possible so you do not delay healing. A study in May 1995 issue of The Journal of Orthopedic Trauma shows damaged cells in a fracture release large amount of chemicals called prostaglandins. These chemicals cause the pain and are blocked by the pain medication. However prostaglandins are also very important in the first stage of tissue repair. So decreasing the use as soon as possible is helpful to the healing process.
Furthermore a study in the October 1995 issue of the Journal of Rheumatology found that continued use of anti-inflammatory drugs over several months can increase the rate of cartilaginous breakdown in joints of people who have osteoarthritis. The drugs mentioned in the studies include Aspirin, Anaprox, Lodine, Meclomin, Motrin, Naprosin, Pensile, Relafen, Toreador, Tolectin, Indocin and Ibuprofen.
Avoid eating foods with preservatives; they contain Phosphorous which can lead to bone loss.
Acupuncture helps to prevent osteoporosis before it attacks you. Acupuncture will help with bone repair. Specific acupuncture points can stimulate the growth of bone tissues and replace the tissue lost fast enough to prevent the decrease in bone density. Acupuncture treatments can also alleviates pain and muscles spasms, strengthen the muscles to support the body weight. Acupuncture treatment is definitely important for you if you are already suffering from osteoporosis and will aid in bone repair It is perhaps the only treatment that does not have side effects. The effect of acupuncture is much greater when combined with natural herbal treatment, food supplements, diet, relaxation, exercise and whole body cleansing.
Remember, bones are living organs that remodel themselves constantly. Nurture them, feed them properly, heal them safely and they will respond.
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Have a Wonderful day
Michelle Leonard
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ReplyDeleteAccording to Denver chiropractor, the problem is that you milk has never sat well and that's why you do not drink.
Okay, maybe you have a partial or total lactose intolerance . But now you are in a crisis situation. You have a fracture . You can do a "dumb" test, take a glass of milk without lactose .
Do you feel good? Yes? Take milk without lactose until further notice and as soon as possible you can go to your family doctor to carry out the lactose intolerance tests.
Do you feel good? Do not? You do not like milk without lactose . Tell your doctor shortly. Maybe I should recommend a Calcium supplement .
While someone who knows tells you whether or not you are lactose intolerant. Strip non-dairy foods that have a lot of calcium.