What is RSI?
RSI is a syndrome, a collection of symptoms, which appear when there has been overuse and repetitive strain on muscles and the fascia and connective tissue surrounding muscles and joints. This produces adhesions - literally "stuck" areas - and trigger points, areas of permanently contracted muscle fibers which cause pain in related areas.
Wrist and hand pain, "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome"
One of the most common forms of RSI is "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" affecting the arms, wrists and hands. This is prevalent in busy office environments, where prolonged keyboard work is required. It is diagnosed as the impingement or entrapment of the nerves in the wrist, a narrowing of the wrist's "carpal tunnel". The question is "why is the carpal tunnel blocked?" This is most often due to trigger points and fascial restrictions in the neck, the shoulders and across the chest - the problem is therefore not primarily in the carpal tunnel (wrist) itself, but in the areas where there are restrictions which cause the impingement at the carpal tunnel. Your RSI symptoms may even have started with neck stiffness or pain, or headaches, and these symptoms often accompany the arm and hand symptoms. At RSI Clinics UK we will treat the problem where it originates, not just where the symptoms are.
When a movement has been carried out repetitively, for instance when using a mouse, or when a non-neutral posture has been held for a long time, tensing over a computer screen, RSI can be the result and you may experience some of the symptoms listed below.
Symptoms of RSI in the arms, wrists and hands include the following:
• Throbbing and persistent pain down the arms into the wrists, hands and
• Deep throbbing or dull pain, pain 'like toothache' at rest or when using the
arms or hands
• Shooting pains, 'nerve' pains down the arms, in the wrists, hands or fingers
• Tingling, 'pins and needles', burning sensations
• Inflammation
• Numbness, 'cotton wool' feelings
• Lack of any feeling in parts of the arms, wrists and hands
• Dull persistent pain at night
• Spread of pain across the chest and into the neck on using hands and
fingers, as when typing or using a mouse
• Tightness or stiffness in the shoulders, neck or chest
• Pain on light massage just underneath the collarbones
• Weak grip or inability to grip or lift anything for long, e.g. a cup, fork,
• Inability to turn door handles
• Inability to type or use a keyboard
• Inability to write or hold a pen
• Inability to drive, turn a steering wheel, change gear, operate the
handbrake, etc.
• Reduction in range of movement or pain with movement
• Weakness, lack of strength, sometimes no strength at all
Treatment for RSI and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Our practitioners will treat RSI conditions with myofascial release and trigger point therapy, backed up with remedial massage techniques such as soft tissue release, positional release, and other advanced bodywork modalities, releasing areas which are impinging on nerves, for instance in the wrist, and rebalancing all the muscles and fascia so that these structures can take the strain comfortably.
Treatment with practitioners from Alternative Health Solutions of NJ should bring about the following benefits:
• Diminishing or elimination of pain in the arms, wrists and hands
• Increased sensitivity to sensations and diminishment of numbness
• Decrease in sensations of pins and needles, 'cotton wool', tingling, or
• Increased strength in hands, wrists and fingers
• Improved grip for driving, lifting, and carrying out daily tasks
• Ability to type, write with a pen and perform fine motor functions with
hands and fingers
• Decrease in autonomic nervous system (ANS) sensations of anxiety and panic
associated with inability to use hands
• Decrease or elimination of pain and stiffness in neck and shoulders
Trigger point therapy
Trigger points are areas of muscle fibers which are permanently contracted and sometimes painful to touch. They cause the entire muscle to shorten and tighten, and refer pain to other areas. Treatment involves locating and releasing trigger points which are referring pain to the affected areas and causing narrowing and adhesions.
Very often we will treat an area which is removed from the area of pain. The result is a significant reduction or elimination of pain in the affected area, although it has not been directly treated.
Trigger point therapy is always accompanied by local myofascial release, because if the fascia in the area of a trigger point has not been released, the trigger point is likely to return.
Myofascial Release
As well as trigger point release we look for areas of fascia which have been adhesed and are restricting normal functioning in their own and other areas. We use specific techniques for releasing fascia and the nerves and other structures it bears down on when restricted. We also use soft tissue release and myofascial stretching to release restricted areas.
Stress-related symptoms
Autonomic nervous system responses to physical, emotional or physiological stress or trauma always involve tensing of the connective tissues, either causing or contributing to RSI symptoms. We use Dr. Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing approach to allow stressful or even traumatic experiences resulting in PTSD to be integrated into the mind-body easily and holistically so that we can get on with life without ANS responses causing pain or restrictions.
We strongly suggest that you seek treatment to eliminate the causes of RSI and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome before you undergo surgery for the symptoms.
For Treatment please contact Http://www.alternativehealthsolutionsnj.com
Michelle Leonard

Source: http://www.myfascial_releaseclinic
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